Savannah Black History Tours

Uplift, Celebrate, and Bloom

History isn’t black and white, especially in a city as old as Savannah. And the richness of the city’s whole history often isn’t easily told in a quick overview tour. That’s where Rita Fuller-Yates comes in. A historian, author, professor and entrepreneur, Rita is working to establish Black history tours nationwide, one city at a time, not just to teach the significance of historic contributions made by the Black community, but to get people excited to learn about often-overlooked stories hiding in plain view.

“In a city like Savannah,” Rita says, “people are already on vacation, they’re already in a good space. Let’s not be a sad story that brings them down…Let’s find a way to (both) teach the importance of and celebrate the African-American community.”

Rita started her career as a local historian focused on the stories that were all around her, or “history you can touch,” as she says. She wanted to teach students about the small, everyday stories just beneath the surface in textbooks, many of which students haven’t had the chance to see or participate in. Bringing these people and their lives to the surface to be recognized is why Rita focuses on Black history, the too-frequently buried and forgotten accounts of people from the past.

A native of Columbus, Ohio, where she began her business,Rita received her Masters degree from the Savannah College of Art & Design, and has transferred her business model to
Georgia’s oldest city where she is providing a new perspective on the complicated history of a Deep South city. With a colorful and inviting brand, you’ll find that Rita’s website is headed with bright pink roses and the tagline, “uplift and celebrate the bloom of Savannah’s Black history.” That’s the message she carries through her 90-minute ride-on bus tour, with uplifting 70s Motown tunes providing the soundtrack to a thoughtfully crafted script that begins by telling the truth about the darker corners of history, but quickly pivots to celebrate Black achievement, and even provides pom-poms for the moments that should be cheered. Each tour includes
more than 20 locations, with narration, photos, videos and music to accompany the history.

One thing Rita wants tour participants to take away when they leave is a level of comfort with both celebrating successes and commemorating sorrows.

“Even though the stories aren’t always cheerful, I want people to feel like they’ve participated in a positive way.”

Tours accommodate up to 12, but group tour options are available in advance. Tours are available on weekends, and pick up and drop off at the Savannah Visitors Center at 301 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, which makes parking convenient. Book the tour or learn more at, where you can also find a wealth of information about Savannah’s Black history, as well as books and videos. Rita also shares Black history stories on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.

For more information on booking, visit or call (912) 604-1869, and tell Rita your TRAVELHOST sent you!

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